The wireless phone and Google Translator

pic_dilbert_chinese_whispersDo you remember that game we played in elementary school? Some call it the Wireless phone and other wireless telegraphy. After all, it was a play a little silly. We all sat down in a circle and one of our peers had to whisper a sentence in the ear of his neighbor, having to repeat it in turn to another person sedutagli next and so on until the circle was completed. The last person to receive the message had to get up to repeat the sentence aloud. It was always funny though because the last sentence that was pronounced was always a little different from the first!

Now why, and some thirty years of age, I find myself sitting here writing this childhood game on my professional website? Well, maybe because today, the baby inside me felt having a little play!

Are you ready to play the game of “Google Translation” with me? I assure you it will be fun and believe it or not will take you back in time and will make you remember the days spent playing Phone Without Wire!

We translate the following phrase in English, French and Italian with Google:

English phrase I suggest we go over it a few times before deciding (suggerisco di ripassarlo un paio di volte prima di decidere).
Result Google in French Je suggère que nous relisez-le plusieurs fois avant la décision.
Result in Italian Google Suggerisco di andare oltre un paio di volte prima di decidere.

Interesting … very interesting! We analyze how the Mr Google Translation” has interpreted our original sentence in French.

Instead of I suggest you pass him a couple of times before deciding“, we got we suggest that you read it several times before the decision.”

And … in Italian? Well, it would seem that people found to have preferred the Italian version this time because his translation was not so bad, “I suggest you go over a couple of times before deciding.”

Now let’s write the same sentence as it should be written in French only to see what happens when we try to translate it into English!

French phrase Je propose de le revoir encore une ou deux fois avant de décider.
Result Google in English I propose to meet again once or twice before deciding.

I suggest we meet up again once or twice before deciding What? Let’s see what happens with the Italian version!

Italian phrase Suggerisco di ripassarlo un paio di volte prima di decidere.
Result in English Google Suggest to review a couple of times before deciding (Suggerisci a rivedere un paio di tempi prima di decidere).

Well … sure to Refer to Reviewabout your Google Translationsbefore trying to send them back to your customers by pretending to have delivered the high-quality translations” performed by native speakers!

It’s stronger than me! I love this game so much! I want to make another attempt Are you still with me? We now continue with the Italian version of our original sentence and try to use the “Google Translatorto translate it in French!

Italian phrase Suggerisco di ripassarlo un paio di volte prima di decidere.
Result Google in French Proposer de revoir une couple de fois avant de décider.

Refer to review a couple of times before deciding Not bad, but not there yet!

I told you that this little experiment you would have to think about your favorite game that was played in the courtyard of the school! Always end up with a slightly altered version than the original with any language you entered in the “not so reliableGoogle translator. You will always receive a solution funny for your language needs, even with the simplest phrases comporrete.

What is the moral of the story? Google Translation” is a more innovative and technology of the old game of Wireless Phone. It ‘s fun and easy to use with your friends Chat international Facebook, but remember it is not a reliable translation tool! Corrected by your linguistic expert nearest you before translating your next proposal working with “Google Translate“! Who knows how it will be the final message that will receive your customer!

We are no longer small children playing in the schoolyard, but professionals and, as such, we must act as professionals! Invest in your potential customers, in professional translators and Traduzioniclick!